826michigan Featured in Chalkfly.com's Spotlight on Michigan Educational Programs

January 8, 2014 | Press

Executive Director Amanda Uhle was recently interviewed by the folks at office supply store and supporter of education, Chalkfly. The interview focuses on 826michigan’s mission here in Southeast Michigan and how (and why) our students really benefit from the style of the programs we offer. Check out this great response from Amanda to a question asking what students can take away from our programs:

“In a classroom situation, there are many, many students with just one teacher, so everything has to be, because of time and resources, brought to a level that works for most students. But, we know people, particularly young people, don’t learn that way best, and individualized, one-on-one attention is really necessary, particularly for teaching writing. In our program, because we’re really volunteer centric, we’re able to recruit volunteers to work one-on-one with students. Students who really shine in our programs are students who struggle in school, who don’t fit the generalized mold the classroom has to offer, and who are able to express themselves in the unique way that they do.”

Read the full article here.

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