
May 22, 2006 | 826 Blog Post

Join us tonight, Monday, May 22, at 7:30pm at the Neutral Zone, 637 S
Main Street, for the book release party for our literary journal,
Vacansopapurosophobia. Come to support these young published
writers, who were chosen from a stack of hundreds of submissions! Come
to support the teen editorial board, who spent many hours putting this
publication together! Come to support the Community High School
musicians, who have graciously donated their time! Come to support
organizations like 826 and the Neutral Zone, who endeavor to give
students a platform for self-expression! Come because it’s free, and
there will be snacks! Come to find out how in the world you pronounce
the word “vacansopapurosophobia!”

Unrelatedly, and only a little less important, let it be known that
there will be no tutoring next week, May 29 through June 1.

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