I just got this from Julia Smillie, a prized volunteer who also happens to be one of the funniest people I’ve ever met. Hey, it’s cold out. Warm and fuzzy is good, right?
I can’t express enough how much I love teaching this workshop. I probably get as much out of it as they do and their level of commitment to it, their writing, and each other inspires and motivates me as a writer and a teacher.
Julia will be reprising said workshop, You’ve Got to Work It, on our Winter Workshop Schedule. Other workshops include: Whodunit!; Writing with Pictures: Dignifying the Doodle; Creative Writing for Mad Scientists; Unexpect the Expected: Burning Cliches for Fuel; I Can Haiku, Can You?; The Dream of the Star Shaped Cookie Cutter; Playwriting: Make a Play: Faster, Louder, Funnier; and FIVE (!!!) sessions of our much lauded Storytelling and Bookmaking workshop. Hey, you ask for it, we listen!
Registration will be online only again this semester. More details next week!