Bright Idea #4287: If There is High Demand for Something, Supply More

January 21, 2008 | 826 Blog Post

Basic economics put to the test, and passing! We are pleased to say
that, a week after the schedule’s release, we still have open
workshops! This is what happens when you increase the number of
workshops by, say, 25 percent or so. You can serve more people! You
get fewer angry/disappointed emails! Everyone is happy!

Speaking of everyone being happy, we are pleased to announce that, in
conjunction with our 826michigan Courier/Gazette/Post/You
workshop, the Ann Arbor News has agreed to print
our final-product newspaper!
This workshop is full, but fear not:
it’s the pilot program for what we hope will be an ongoing newspaper
for 826michigan. Many thanks to our friends at the Ann Arbor
who have so generously offered to support us in our quest to
give young writers as many outlets to showcase their brilliance as

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