Stuff that is Neat, Stuff We Enjoy

April 7, 2010 | 826 Blog Post

Hello! Greetings from just inside the Liberty Street Robot Supply & Repair. We have a sunny bit of news to share with you all on this rainy spring day. (By the way, did any locals hear that astounding stomp of thunder at a little after 9am this morning? Spectacular! I’m pretty sure my cat will not come out from under my bed until next week.)

Are you guys familiar with Lara Zielin? She’s the writer of delightful young adult books like Donut Days and Make Things Happen, the teacher of the popular publishing workshop called Teen Ink, which we offered as part of our Winter Workshop Schedule, one of the judges in the library’s Peeps contest, and a wonderful person to sit next to at a dinner party.

Furthermore, she has a lovely blog called Lara Writes. And very recently, she offered her readers a challenge, wherein $1 was donated to 826michigan for every comment readers left on her blog. Long story short (for once): She raised $400 for 826michigan! Check out the results on her blog, and THANK YOU LARA!

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