
August 10, 2010 | 826 Blog Post

Hello hello on this very fine and super-hot Tuesday afternoon. Have you melted yet? How’s your hair feeling today? (That was the best “joke” I could come up with about humidity; forgive me, I am a bit under the weather, as it were; ironically enough, there is a humidity joke in that, somewhere, but I am in no mental state to find it.)

We here at 826michigan Headquarters thought it might be a good idea to condense some important upcoming dates for your reference and delight:

  • Thursday, August 26: 8/26 Day! — More coming on this, and very soon too, I might add. We can’t tell you much, but we can mention that it will be akin to 826’s Total World Domination.
  • Sunday, August 29: Monday, September 6: 826michigan CLOSED! — That’s right, we’re taking a summer vaca (and I don’t mean “cow”). Robot shop will be closed down too!
  • Tuesday, September 7: Registration Opens for the Fall Workshop Schedule, 7pm! — Wherein local students will get the chance to mutate Shakespeare, philosophize, write college essays, and more.
  • Monday, September 13: Tutoring starts back up at Ypsilanti Middle School! — Hooray!
  • Monday, September 20: Tutoring starts back up at 826michigan! — Double hooray hooray!
  • Monday, September 20: Fall Workshop Schedule Starts! — It’s a virtual landslide of hooray!
  • Friday, September 24: Sunday, September 26: 826michigan Writers’ Conference! — OMG!

The best part? This is only PART of it. There will be more! We’ve got an exciting theater event in the works, and a visit from Dave Eggers, and a whole lot more slowly materializing. More soon!

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