Tomorrow is 8/26 Day!

August 25, 2010 | 826 Blog Post

Hey you guys, guess WHAT? August 26, 2010 is National Youth Literacy Day! I know what you’re thinking: What does that mean, and what can I do to help 826 writing centers continue to make a difference in the lives of thousands of students each year?

It’s easy! We’re asking everyone we know to donate $8.26 to 826 on 8/26 (wooooahhhhh), and then to ask everyone they know to do the same.

Please, please, will you, oh won’t you consider making a donation of $8.26 on August 26? All you have to do is text “WRITE” to 20222 (includes a $1.74 service fee) or give online at

And help us spread the word about National Youth Literacy Day! Encourage your friends to support the cause, tweet about it, put it on your facebook, etc. Personally, I’m actually getting married tomorrow (everyone has their own way of celebrating National Youth Literacy Day!), and I’m going to do it, and make all attendees do it too! (Probably not, you know, DURING the ceremony, though.)

And happy 8/26!

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