Happy Valentine's Day!

February 14, 2011 | 826 Blog Post

Hello and happy day. The sun is shining, the snow is melting, and my husband bought me a lovely necklace despite the fact that we decided we wouldn’t get each other Valentine’s Day gifts this year. All’s right with the world, wouldn’t you say?

Regardless of whether you answered yes or no to that question, I am quite certain that I am about to make your day. Cozy up to your computer, and I’ll share with you the Top Three Valentines floating around the offices of 826michigan. All are from the Valenpup Poems! workshop we had a couple of weeks ago for six-to-eight year olds.

The first comes from our dear friend Francis Roderique:

Dear Gran,

I love how you like your hair curly and soft.
I love how you like being fancy.
I love how you have flowery things.


And one from Ava Wilcox:

Dear Daddy,

I love how you
always go skating on weekends
with me.
You never forget, and when you do
it’s funny.
You’re huggable, lovable, and playable.
You’re like a sparkle in my day.
I just want to eat you,
the way you tell your stories.

Have your best 44th Valentine’s Day.
Love, your daughter,

And, finally, Geneve Thomas-Palmer:

My mother,
making marvelous foods,
in meals having fun,
making jokes at dinner.

My mother,
too small for her hat.
A job of home,
a shelter worker,
making no money.

Happy Valentine’s Day, Catherine!


We hope these charmed you as much as they have been charming everyone here. Valentine’s Day may be a fake holiday, but as long as poetry this good comes out of it (along with a pretty necklace), I’m on board. Happy Valentine’s Day, y’all!

Hope to see you all at the Love Hangover tomorrow night!

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