February 27, 2013 | 826 Blog Post

Due to inclement weather and school closures today, 826michigan will be CLOSED Wednesday, February 27. That means no programs on-site and off-site, and the robot store remains dark!

Let’s Move, our evening workshop, is canceled and will be rescheduled. On-Site Tutoring is canceled today and will resume tomorrow (3:30-5:30pm), and Story Problems will resume next week!

We will see you all again soon when the weather is a little friendlier. Here’s one more snow day poem from one of our students…dare we say, the last snow day poem of the year?

by Ava T.

I hear the snow falling “Shhh”
as it whispers in my ear.
Crunch! Crunch! My boots
go as I walk, I feel it as I go
by “Rrttt!” as cars slip
past me. As the snow fall falls
I make a snowball “Piff!”
I throw it at my friend. My
friend throws one back at me.
We throw and throw snowballs
till the night falls.

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