Pat Gold: The Lady with the Midas Touch!

December 5, 2014 | Volunteer of the Month

miguel and pat

All sources agree: Pat Gold is PURE GOLD. True to her name, she really does seem to have the Midas Touch (in the good sense); everything she touches turns to sparkles and magic.

For the past two school years, Pat has been a fixture at our Creative Writing Club at Adams STEM Academy in Ypsilanti. In fact, we have been able to start offering the club TWICE a week this year, in large part due to her consistent support and dedication.

A retired Detroit Public Schools teacher, Pat has educating coded into her DNA. Everyone who has the chance to work side-by-side with her marvels at the way she is able to encourage even the most reluctant writers and pull amazing ideas out of students who had been previously stumped.

Our AmeriCorps Vista, Hannah Rose, has been volunteering with Pat this fall. She notes: Pat is the most patient while working with really challenging students. She has a steadfast coolness and manages to ask just the right questions to spark creativity. For example, one student, Dakota, who was completely resistant and all over the place, actually wrote several pieces by the end of the period after working with Pat.

Pat also helps at other events and programs, including helping as a Traveling Editor for our Young Authors Book Project last year. She bonded so well with one of our writers, Miguel, that he specifically invited her to attend the release party, which she of course did. In fact, you can see the photogenic Pat and Miguel duo featured on the front of our annual appeal.

Pat also has an adorable dog named Dalai (for good karma), makes up wonderful nicknames, and consciously sends her good energy out into the world every single day. We could not be more grateful to have Pat Gold in the 826 community. She makes our lives . . . more golden!


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