For the two people who couldn’t make it…

December 21, 2005 | 826 Blog Post

Challenge Night II, which is really an excuse to hang out with incredible
826 volunteers, was awesome. Important stats that might not actually be

  • Heather beat Ryan in a race.
  • C. Jason went down the hill the most times in an hour, beating Ryan by a
    slim margin.

  • Nobody wants to be buried under a pile of snow.
  • Cardboard boxes make great sleds, in a pinch.
  • Amy is nice, and has the fastest sled.
  • Rahul has the most handsome beard.
  • Cub’s A.C. has the best nachos.
  • Cat buttons are in this holiday season.
  • Steve Gillis is Santa.
  • Ryan’s dog, Pete, gets cold because he’s skinny, and he has a little
    coat. He’s not a hot dog.

It was an amazing night, except nobody even tried to throw a snowball over
the building. Very disappointing. Erin would have done it, but she
wasn’t there. Now, we get back to tutoring and coming up with ideas for
our store. Expect some changes to the 826 space in the near future.

In other news, Superintern DK is in town.

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