Anatomy of a Field Trip

February 6, 2009 | 826 Blog Post

It is a great sadness of ours that we can’t have ALL OF YOU at one of our field trips. Our field trips make you want to scoop the entire world up into your arms and give it a hug. They make you want to shake the hand of every single child on Earth. You know that part of Singin’ in the Rain where Gene Kelly sings the title song? They make you want to do that.

The least we can do is show you some pictures. Vanessa Howe’s third grade class from Chapelle Elementary in Ypsilanti got picked up by their school bus about a half an hour ago, but the lab still seems to hum with excitement. I guess it takes a while for that to dissipate. It is hard, for sure, to really capture our Storytelling & Bookmaking experience in a mere picture, but here goes.

Here is what it looks like when the students have turned their stories in to the crotchety Dr. Blotch, Katy’s about to be fired, and all things 826michigan hinge on the completely unlikely and actually pretty much impossible event that Dr. Blotch approves a story:

And here, friends, it what it looks like when a story is approved:

And because the temperatures are sub-zero, and maybe it takes a little extra effort to melt your heart, here’s another:

You REALLY SHOULD all be here for this.

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