Ann Arbor Area Community Foundation

August 1, 2018 | 826 Blog Post

ann arbor area community foundation logo

The Ann Arbor Area Community Foundation (AAACF)  is one of our longest and most consistent supporters, enthusiastically funding 826michigan programs each year. Notably, the AAACF has even gifted us all-mighty, all-encompassing general operating funds! This past school year, the foundation is partially responsible for the grants supporting our Washtenaw Field Trips program, ensuring that it remains a transformative, fun writing experience designed to inspire students to enjoy writing while engaging in the hard work of doing it.

As our work continues to expand in both depth and breadth across Ann Arbor and Ypsilanti, we remain grateful for the AAACF’s dedication to promoting arts and culture and supporting education, as these two investment foci of the foundation’s mission help to sustain 826michigan’s work that reaches nearly 3,000 students each year. There is so much work for us to continue to do to wire students in Southeast Michigan with a passion and skill for writing — we are so glad that the AAACF is committed to helping us do it.

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