Big News x 2

March 22, 2008 | 826 Blog Post

Sometimes our new tutors get nervous about tutoring. What if the student has a question I can’t answer, they say, or: I’m not good at math. To the question, we say: We don’t expect you to know everything, and it often makes students feel better to know that even their tutors have to ask for help from time to time; and to the statement, we say: You can probably do fourth grade math, and if you can’t, the student or his or her textbook can explain it to you.

Which is all a convoluted, roundabout way of saying: The title of this blog is Big News x 2. Do you know what that equals? BIG NEWS and BIG NEWS. (Sometimes these things come together organically, and sometimes it’s a bit more of a stretch.)

Big News #1: Our second annual Mustache-a-Thon: Son of Stache.

We enjoyed it so much last year that we had to do it again. How it works, for those of you new to us: we get twenty or so men (and maybe even a couple of women) to grow mustaches and collect donations to support said staches. All the mustache donations go to 826michigan, to support our free student programming. It’s fun, funny, and lucrative. Who knew that mustaches could support literacy? (Answer: WE did!)

How can you help? Support a stache, thereby supporting free tutoring, writing workshops, field trips, in-school projects, and publishing opportunities for youth all over southeastern Michigan. The kick off is this Monday night, so by Tuesday afternoon, our STACHEBLOG should be up and running. Just click on the Mustache-a-Thon banner at the top of this page, it will take you right to the STACHEBLOG, and then you can donate money to your favorite stache! Easy!

Big News #2: The Spring Workshop Schedule will be posted on this very website at noon on Tuesday, April 1, and registration will open at 8pm on Wednesday, April 2.

We’ve got lots of sweet new workshops this semester, ranging from puppetry to the poetic lives of colors to studying Hemingway’s short stories (a workshop complete with a canoe trip!) to princess rescue to two, yes, that’s right, two different fantasy workshops (we figured you’d been asking for them long enough).

Registration, as always, will be online only. And, of course, each student can still only sign up for two workshops per semester.

That’s it for us today. Enjoy the spring snow!

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