BOO-YA! You Thought This Was an Exit Interview!

May 3, 2006 | 826 Blog Post

Last night, Erin and I played a trick on our fabulous interns. We lured them to a local restaurant, telling them we’d buy them dinner in exchange for exit interviews. “Tying up loose ends,” we told them. “Come prepared. Have an idea of what you liked and didn’t like about your experiences here this semester.” Ryan rolled his eyes. Jill stared off into space. Becca smiled. Luke took notes.

When everyone arrived (minus Becca, unfortunately, who came down with a horrible illness, and couldn’t be convinced to come, even though we said we’d bring a bucket), we passed out the night’s program. It shared a title with this blog, and also said, “INTERN APPRECIATION!” “What the…?” Ryan said in disbelief. “What is this?”

On the bill: dinner, actual awards (just like in grade school), gifts (we drove ourselves a little crazy trying to figure out the perfect present for each intern), photos (see below; we wanted to commemorate their lovely faces), and a whirlwind of tournaments (Pinball, slack-jaw, and pool, although we wound up trading pool for euchre. Luke didn’t know how to play! Can you believe that? He’s from Kansas.) for prizes.

In case our interns didn’t feel the love last night, I’d like to say here, on the world-wide web: a HUGE, MONSTER-SIZED thank you to the best group of interns we’ve been lucky enough to work with. (Note to past interns: we’ve never actually had a group of interns before.) You guys were truly inspirations, and joys to work with!

Becca, Jill, Luke, and Ryan: We love you guys always and forever!

Some might say it was lucky that Becca became ill, because I have no idea how we would’ve fit six people into that booth. An abbreviated list of award highlights: Jill received Most Likely to Design an Awesome Writing Contest While Wearing Crazy Jeans that Look Like Jodhpurs; Ryan received Most Likely to Put Together the Most Successful Volunteer Night in 826michigan History While Dancing for Amy Behind Erin’s Back to Make Her Laugh and then Instantly Stopping When Erin Turns Around; Luke received Most Likely to Do Everything You Ask Ten Times Better Than You Expected and Without Telling You That He’s Done It While Throwing Out Anecdotes Left and Right about His Trip to India; and Becca received Most Likely to Be Superfantastic When Dealing with Students of All Ages and Sizes All the While Remembering that She’s Becca, Not Franny. Wow. This caption has become its own blog.

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