Sarah Schaefer
Here’s the thing about Sarah. Actually, here’s a thing about Sarah: I don’t think she’s been here since the actual beginning, but I honestly cannot remember an 826 without her. According to her application, she’s a member of the Volunteer Class of Fall ’05. I should also note, here, since I’ve gotten it out, that she drew reality TV in the “Draw a Monster Here” portion of her application.
Other Things We Like About Schaef (No Particular Order):
- She is super reliable.
- She has facilitated roughly a billion workshops.
- She taught a workshop called “A Drifter’s Life for Me” which involved the Dadaists and the Surrealists and walking around looking at stuff.
- She is always well dressed.
- She plays keys in the Dardanelles, and she also plays music with other people.
- She has been instrumental (haha—oh, I just kill myself!) in setting up our Monster Protest Songs compilation.
- She’s fun to be around; she’s very smart; she’s incredibly witty.
- She’s a librarian, or in the library sciences, or some such thing.
- Every time you see her walk in, you can’t help but smile.