Dr. Blotch's Writing Challenge!

April 3, 2020 | 826 Blog Post

Hello, Friends!

Are you up for the challenge? 

Dr. Blotch’s Writing Challenge, 826michigan’s virtual writing challenge, launches next week on our website and social media pages.

A regular interrupter of 826michigan’s writing field trips, Dr. Blotch is 826michigan’s nefarious, slimy, and unique editor. Dr. Blotch often calls in and demands new and creative stories from us, and our field trip students regularly rise to the challenge to create brilliant writing that wows a skeptical Blotch.

Visit this page each week to review Dr. Blotch’s latest proposal. Keep your pencils and paper handy! 

And reach out to Megan@826michigan.org with any questions.

#agoodtimetowrite #onwardrobots


WEEK 0: Dr. Blotch presents a writing challenge!


WEEK 1: Moldy Bananas & Cow-shaped cars?!

This week, you should brainstorm five totally and completely unrelated things. Then, incorporate ALL FIVE of those things into a story! We will check in with you on Wednesday to see how it’s going and offer some support. Write on! Look for even more writing help by visiting 826 Digital and clicking the hashtag #agoodtimetowrite on our social media channels.


Week 1: Check-in

Does your story have a strong plot—-an interesting problem and solution? Take the time now to make sure that it does! Your stories are due on THURSDAY, APRIL 9 at 8pm!

#agoodtimetowrite #onwardrobots


Dr. Blotch requests stories in the following formats:
-Send typed writing
-Send a picture of your writing
-Record a video of yourself telling a story or reading a written story

Where to submit your stories:
-Comment on our social media posts
-Email DrBlotch@826michigan.org


Dr. Blotch’s Week 1 Reviews

Nonoka’s review begins at 0:50
Rihito’s review begins at 1:40
Sydney’s review begins at 2:31


Addison’s review begins at 0:08.
Josiah’s review begins at 0:40.
Ysela’s review begins at 1:13.
Keara’s review begins at 1:34.
Hunter’s review begins at 2:01.
Lakota’s review begins at 2:16.
Teague’s review begins at 2:29.
Ashley’s review begins at 2:52.

Week 2: The Drs. Blotch are HUNGRY!

Create a scrumptious menu for them—including tantalizing hand-drawn pictures!


Writing is due this THURSDAY. Where?
-In the comments here or on Facebook. Send us a Tweetgram!
-Email DrBlotch@826michigan.org.



Week 2: Check-in!


It’s time for a Week 2 Check-in! How is your menu for two Dr. Blotches with opposite taste buds coming along? Remember to add pictures to your piece; it can help you generate strong. descriptive words to talk about your menu, even if you will submit with just your voice!


Writing is due this THURSDAY. Where?
-In the comments here or on Facebook. Send us a Tweetgram!
-Email DrBlotch@826michigan.org.



Dr. Blotch’s Week 2 Reviews


Cyrus’s review begins at 0:52.
Nonoka’s review begins at 1:11.
Rihito’s review begins at 1:32.
Aubrielle’s review begins at 1:56.
Lakota’s review begins at 2:11.


Hunter’s review begins at 0:09.
Teague’s review begins at 0:29.
Hanako’s review begins at 0:52.
Josiah’s review begins at 1:28.
Tiffany’s review begins at 1:49.


WEEK 3: Write a Screenplay with inspiration from the University of Michigan Museum of Art!


826michigan Character Planner – Week 3
826michigan Dialogue Planner



Dr. Blotch requests the following types of stories:

-Send typed writing
-Send a picture of your writing
-Record a video of yourself telling a story or reading a written story

Where to submit your stories:

-Comment on our social media posts
-Email DrBlotch@826michigan.org




Week 3 Check-in: How is your screenplay?



826michigan Character Planner – Week 3
826michigan Dialogue Planner


Dr. Blotch requests the following types of stories:

-Send typed writing
-Send a picture of your writing
-Record a video of yourself telling a story or reading a written story

Where to submit your stories:

-Comment on our social media posts
-Email DrBlotch@826michigan.org


WEEK 4: Create an Invention! Write a Pitch! Draw a Prototype!

1) Think about a problem that you’d like to solve with an invention. This can be a silly or a serious problem.

2) Next, start thinking of ideas for an invention that you’d want to see to solve this problem. Draw picture of it as a prototype.

3) Then, create a pitch for selling your invention at the Antartica Robot Supply & Repair. A pitch is a short speech that will tell people why they should buy this product.


#agoodtimetowrite #onwardrobots


Dr. Blotch requests stories in the following formats:
-Send typed writing
-Send a picture of your writing
-Record a video of yourself telling a story or reading a written story

Where to submit your stories:
-Comment on our social media posts
-Email DrBlotch@826michigan.org


WEEK 4: Part 1, Reviews

Nonoka 0:23

Rihito 0:47

Hunter 1:11

Lakota 1:38

Teague 2:08

WEEK 4, Part 2 Reviews

Josiah 0:21

Jesse 0:56

Aubrielle 1:21

Keara 1:53

WEEK 5: Dr. Blotch’s Indoor Vacations!

Dr. L. Blotch needs writers to create how-to guides that will teach them (and other readers) how to create a travel experience from home. These should describe how the destination will look, smell, taste, and feel.




#agoodtimetowrite #onwardrobots


Dr. Blotch requests stories in the following formats:
-Send typed writing
-Send a picture of your writing
-Record a video of yourself telling a story or reading a written story

Where to submit your stories:
-Comment on our social media posts
-Email DrBlotch@826michigan.org


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