Feature of the Month: Robot Radio Review

February 23, 2009 | 826 Blog Post

What happens when sixteen eight-to-ten year olds, five volunteer helpers, and one Michigan Radio reporter spend three weeks interviewing one another? The Robot Radio Review, of course. Many thanks to the wonderful Jennifer Guerra for teaching this HIT of a workshop! Please use the players below to hear the stories!

1. My Favorite Things: The students interviewed each other about their favorite toys, stuffed animals, games, books.

Press play above to listen (4:42)
Or click here to download the mp3 (2.2 MB)

2. Super. Period: If you could have any superpower, what would it be … and why?

Press play above to listen (5:26)
Or click here to download the mp3 (2.5 MB)

3. The Adventures of Fred McBob: The students wrote a group story about a boy named Fred McBob who has a run in with bullies, aliens, and lots of mysterious underwater sea creatures.

Press play above to listen (4:02)
Or click here to download the mp3 (1.9 MB)

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