February 2007 – Jessica Krivan

February 1, 2007 | 826 Blog Post

Jessica Krivan

Jessica Krivan

First and foremost, Jessica is one of those people you just want to have around. She’s one of those people who not only has a warm, calming effect, she’s also incredibly focused, efficient, and organized. You may feel like the world is falling apart around you, but Jessica is one of those people who will walk in at just the right moment and help you, or ask the perfect question, or listen, or distract you, or whatever it is you might need. Jessica is one of those kind of people.

We don’t want to downplay her individuality by implying she’s part of some group of mystical people. In fact, we can’t say we know anyone like her, and we mean that in the best possible way.

She smiles a lot, and she has a lovely smile. Also, have you seen her glasses? They’re insane: green and orange and I-don’t-know-what-other-colors, and she pulls them off. And, even though she has millions of other things to do, she always makes time for 826 and has recently taken up residence at our front desk, doing exciting and not-so-exciting things like answering the phone on the third ring, doing background checks on potential volunteers, stuffing envelopes, asking questions, offering support and advice, processing, planning, and…did we mention she’s also a board member? Well, she is.

Words we haven’t yet used that describe Jessica: kind, generous, sweet, smart, dedicated, honest, and hard working.

Thank you, Jessica! We already don’t know what we would do without you, so please don’t ever leave us!

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