Grant Us Strength: September's Volunteer of the Month is Jennifer Traig!

September 1, 2013 | 826 Blog Post


Grant Us Strength: September’s Volunteer of the Month is Jennifer Traig!

Grants: love them or hate them, they’re a necessary part of the functioning of any nonprofit organization. Our philosophy toward getting grants out the door can be summed up as “the more, the better” — it’s the way things have to be, but with a small staff this load can sometimes seem overwhelming.

Fortunately, we have a friend in Jennifer Traig, writer and editor supreme and 826michigan board member. Jenny (as we call her) is an accomplished lady who has lent us her skills for years, most notably by serving as an editor for 826 National’s compendia of writing plans from 826 chapters all over the country, Don’t Forget To Write. More recently, Jenny has served as a volunteer grantwriter, helping us get grants out the door and (fingers crossed!) funding our new programs in Detroit.

Jenny’s grants display not only her writing chops, but also her deep knowledge and care for the work of 826michigan. She represents our work with grace and style and makes extremely compelling cases for funding. Additionally, Jenny’s ability to work under deadline-pressure, and to endure the flurries of emails exchanged under said deadline-pressure, makes her a superhero in our eyes and a valuable asset to our development efforts.

Dear Jenny: you may be behind the scenes at 826michigan, but you’re the leading lady of our fundraising hearts! With you around, we are a better place.

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