How to Write Like I Do: 826michigan's Spring Writing Workshop Series for Adults

February 28, 2014 | 826 Blog Post

826michigan’s writing workshops for adults return to the Liberty Street Tutoring Lab in March – check out the sessions being offered this spring, and the awesome writers leading each session, below!

Saturday, March 15, 1-3:30pm
The Object Story with Ben Stroud
Register here.

Ben is the author of Byzantium: Stories. His fiction has appeared in Harper’s Magazine, One Story, Best American Mystery Stories, and New Stories from the South. He teaches creative writing at the University of Toledo.
A story needs meaningful conflict, and one way to incite it is through an object – some physical thing given to a character, toward which a character strives, or over which multiple characters fight. We’ll examine how physical objects themselves shape stories and use them to build beginnings of our own.

Saturday, April 12, 1-3:30pm
It Lives!: Revision & Re-Vision with Caitlin Horrocks
Register here.

Caitlin is author of the story collection This is Not Your City. Her stories appear in The New Yorker, The Best American Short Stories, The PEN/O. Henry Prize Stories, The Paris Review, and elsewhere. She teaches at Grand Valley State University and Warren Wilson College, and is the fiction editor of the Kenyon Review.
Come gain new strategies for successful revision on many levels, from ruthless line-editing to wholesale re-envisioning of stalled or stale stories. Participants are encouraged (but not required) to bring two pieces of their own writing.

Saturday, May 10, 1-3:30pm
Telling it Slant with Kodi Scheer
Register here.

Kodi is the author of the story collection Incendiary Girls. Her stories have appeared in The Chicago Tribune, The Iowa Review, Quarterly West, and elsewhere. She teaches at the University of Michigan and is writer-in-residence at the UM Comprehensive Cancer Center.
It’s often difficult to render even our most interesting real-life experiences in unique ways. Emily Dickinson gave the best advice: “Tell all the truth, but tell it slant.” Come talk about how to mine, re-imagine, and re-invent autobiography into original fiction. We’ll (possibly) discuss human-animal transformations, unorthodox angels and ghosts, among others.

All workshops will be held at our headquarters at 115 E. Liberty Street. Tickets for each session are $25, or bring a friend and get 2 for $40. Proceeds from How to Write Like I Do benefit 826michigan’s free programs for 2,700 students aged 6-18 in Ypsilanti, Detroit, and Ann Arbor. To learn more please call (734) 761-3463 or e-mail Click here to download the How to Write Like I Do flyer.

How to Write Like I Do is presented with generous support from Thomson-Shore, an employee-owned full service book publishing, production, and distribution company located in Dexter, Michigan.

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