Happy February, friends! We here at 826michigan are sitting on our hands today, because it’s the only way we’ve been able to keep them from fluttering about our heads like excited birds. Excited birds, you ask? Yes, and how! Tomorrow’s Groundhog Day.
Many Groundhog Days I have seen come and go, virtually unnoticed, or perhaps acknowledged with a quick eye roll as a coworker informed me, straight-faced, that we were going to have another six weeks of winter. But this Groundhog Day is special for us, because, well, we have some groundhogs to celebrate. Some of you may know that no fewer than three groundhogs live just beyond our parking lot.
Join us, if you’re so inclined, at four o’clock tomorrow, when we will make some sort of celebratory gesture toward these fine little creatures. Perhaps John will bake a cake; I’m fairly certain Ryan is working on a sonnet of sorts (he’s been walking around all day muttering to himself, and I was able to make out the words “sound logs” at one point); and when I last walked by Erin’s office, she and Becca appeared to be working out some sort of a dance routine to “Higher Ground” by Stevie Wonder. Me, I think I’m going to toss a couple of hot dogs down the little hill to their hole. (Get it—ground hog!)
In other news, here are some brief reminders:
- It’s set in stone! Writer and supervising producer for ABC’s hit show “Lost,” Javier Grillo-Marxuach, will be teaching a writing seminar for adults at 826! There are two sessions scheduled for February 25. Help us keep programming free for our students and learn some stuff! Click here for more details.
- The deadline for submissions to our review of student work is February 15. Submissions, questions, and other assorted goodies can be mailed to Amy.
- Join us at the Blind Pig a week from tomorrow—that’s Thursday, February 9—for our first 826michigan benefit show! The current line-up is Actual Birds, Canada, and Mason Proper. Click here for more details.
- Volunteers! We are making a huge push into classrooms in Ann Arbor and Ypsilanti over the next few months. Please e-mail Amy if you have daytime availability and are interested in helping out.