Rich Retyi
It’s hard to remember when exactly Rich came to us. There was an unusual email that kind of freaked Erin out. Then he came in to meet with Amy and Erin and it became very clear that Rich was a man with Big Ideas, and a lot of them.
Then Rich disappeared for a little while.
When he reappeared, he did so with a vengeance. He facilitated workshops; he helped out with various in-school projects; he and C. Jason became our monster store.
Now, about a year after his reemergence, he’s indispensable to us. He leads our monthly, ever-so-popular Storytelling & Bookmaking workshops, which is no small feat. Last month, he also co-taught an incredible workshop called “Rich and C. Jason’s Little Idea Catch-and-Release Program,” in which students learned about the importance of notebooks, journals, and letters. He facilitates a ton of workshops, and he and C. Jason seem to have something up their sleeves for the monster store. (He and C. Jason seem to have a lot up their sleeves, in general.)
What do we like best about Rich? It’s hard to say. He brightens the place up, that’s for sure. He’s always willing to help out in a pinch, even last minute. He definitely, absolutely, no-question-at-all has a way with kids. Which is to say: he’s entertaining and inspiring and motivating and hilarious.
He enriches our lives. (I’m sorry about that. I kept avoiding it and avoiding it and then it just couldn’t be avoided any longer.) Thanks Rich, for everything you have done, and for everything you continue to do. We love you!