One of the magical things about Lucy Huber (and trust us, there are MANY) is that she first came to 826michigan by way of another incredible 826er, Katie Jones, who left Michigan to pursue her graduate degree in writing in North Carolina. We had no idea how we would carry on without Katie. SPOILER ALERT: Lucy helped! Katie befriended fellow writer Lucy at UNC, who, as it magically happened, was moving to Ann Arbor, and upon Katie’s recommendation, Lucy began volunteering with us in May of 2013.
Since this time, Lucy has become an invaluable part of every program she touches (in-school residencies, field trips, workshops, publications, just to name a few). A skilled writer and teacher, Lucy has designed and taught new workshops on the personal essay, college preparation, and young adult literature. She has consulted us on writing pedagogy, and she has inspired even the most reluctant high school writers with her incredible sense of humor and love of the written word. Her deep involvement in so many programs and volunteer social activities make 826michigan even more like Lucy: warm, brilliant, and hilarious.
Lucy took a short sabbatical from 826 to live in Australia (and hold koalas, etc), but she sent us postcards and emails throughout her journey AND when she returned, she took on a role she was quite possibly born to play: 2014-15 field trips intern and very very official and important assistant to Dr. Blotch. Lucy has become so important to our nefarious editor, in fact, that he actually had something to say about her. Here are notes from that particular meeting:
Us: Dr. Blotch, field trips intern Lucy Huber is 826michigan Volunteer of the Month for January 2015! Could you say a few words about her?
Dr. Blotch: Who? Why are you talking to me?
Us: Lucy, the ever-so-funny and talented Lucy! She runs our field trips for students from first through sixth grade here on Liberty Street every Wednesday and Friday morning? She logs countless days in the lab communicating with teachers and volunteers, coordinating everything?
Dr. Blotch: You’re fired.
Us: Wait! What about Lucy?
Dr. Blotch: Tucy? The one who brings sunshine and energy and homemade, tempestuously experimental treats (Cheeze-Its from scratch! Halloween candy-filled cupcakes! Cookies for which she INVENTED the recipe!) into the writing lab every time she enters? The one who mastered InDesign and labors hour after hour on publications for my publishing house, Blotch Books?
Us: Yes, that’s Lucy, Dr. Blotch!
Dr. Blotch: Fire her immediately, too. She is far too efficient and creative, clever and good-smelling. People like Tucy tend to go far in this miserable world–they go all the way up to the top of the garbage heap and they don’t stop there: they peer down below them and help others to rise up. There’s a chance she could, dare I say it, take over my empire. Her impersonations of me are too convincing, her storytelling too sharp. I only hire imbeciles. Like you.