Nicholas De Paul

Let’s just get this out of the way: Nicholas De Paul has always been a Super Volunteer, but he was recently elevated to Super HERO status on one fateful day in the 826michigan basement.
To make a long story short, there was a dead mouse in the back hallway behind our basement offices. (That’s the story. It wasn’t all that long, after all.) It had a tiny pink nose and was staring at us with glassy eyes and, in general, was very — how should we say this — dead.
And, while we were all standing around dithering about what to do with the dead mouse, Nicholas (with quiet heroism) stepped in to remove it from the 826michigan premises, giving it what we can only assume was a very tender and honorable burial in the garbage bins in the alleyway.
This moment endeared Nicholas to us forever, but that wasn’t particularly hard because we have known and admired Nicholas for years! He is a common sight around the lab, both as a tutor and as our ever-trusty Mac consultant. (As seen here with new staff member Courtney!) This is a service he donates and a thing he is so good at that he does it professionally.
Whether it’s math homework, tangled cords, or either type of mouse, Nicholas approaches everything he does for 826michigan with a quiet, calm energy that makes him a true superstar!
We ALL thank you, Nicholas, for your great work with 826michigan! We are a cleaner, friendlier, tech-ier place with you around!