May's Volunteer of the Month is Rachel Goulet!

May 1, 2013 | 826 Blog Post

rachel goulet votm

In the grand starry sky that is the world of 826michigan volunteers, In-School Residencies volunteers aren’t always flashy comets, meteors, or UFOs. In fact they are more likely to be a Vega, Arcturus, or Betelgeuese: a steady shining presence that brightens the whole sky whether or not observers realize it.

Our In-Schools program is based around consistency — it’s really special for a student to know that the person they are working with will come back week after week — which is maybe why it tends to attract some of the most consistent, reliable people we know.

Like Rachel Goulet! Rachel is into her THIRD year of volunteering, in the words of Volunteer Coordinator Frances Martin, “reliably and wonderfully”. Although she is currently serving at Perry Child Development Center in Ypsilanti, she’s also worked with Ann Arbor’s Scarlett Middle School (the site that produced our upcoming major publication, All I Could Do Was Look Up: Anatomy of A Middle School — stay tuned for more about that!).

As you most likely know, we can wax rhapsodic about our Volunteers of the Month for pages and pages (and often do!). But in this case, we’ll let someone else speak for us. Someone else who really knows what’s up where it comes to excellence in the classroom: Nicole Courtney, our partnering teacher at Perry.

This is what Ms. Courtney has to say about Rachel:

Rachel joined our classroom and flawlessly fit in with our group! The students absolutely adore her, and they pretty much do anything they can to spend time with her.  She’s an amazing, fun, cheerful, and talented 826michigan volunteer and we all appreciate everything she does for us!
Well, that pretty much says it all, doesn’t it. Thanks, Ms. Courtney!
Rachel is moving on this summer to pursue her Master’s in Elementary Education from the University of Michigan, and we are already excited for the future students who will get to have the marvelous Ms. Goulet as their very own teacher. Rachel, we all thank you so very much. You are a true shining star and 826michigan would not be the same without you and your many hours of service in area classrooms.


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