January 16, 2009 | 826 Blog Post

Bushra has been a student of ours for over three years now. She’s a little sassy, a little scrappy, a lot smart, and tons of fun to be around. We love her. Toward the end of last year, she wrote a letter to President-elect Obama during tutoring. It’s about to be published in a new McSweeney’s book (totally awesome). BUT THAT’S NOT ALL. It is with GREAT joy and admiration in our hearts that we announce:

Bushra can be heard all over this great nation of ours reading her letter to Mr. Obama on this week’s edition of the beloved radio program This American Life.

You’re freaking out, right? We certainly did when we heard the news. Bushra, who is always composed, took it in stride. We took it in our own kind of stride: jumping up and down, squealing, and hugging one another. (In all fairness, Bushra, who’s eight, had not heard of the show, and therefore doesn’t realize it’s pretty much a BIG DEAL.)

Please listen to Bushra on the Inaugural Edition of This American Life this week, which can be heard around here on Michigan Radio, 91.7FM, at 3pm on Saturday and 2pm on Sunday.

Many thanks to Julie Snyder at TAL for choosing Bushra’s letter, and to Jennifer Guerra of Michigan Radio (who will, it should be mentioned, be teaching a workshop for us this semester) for recording the reading of it. And CONGRATS to Bushra!

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