ONWARD, Indeed.

October 26, 2009 | 826 Blog Post

After many, MANY months of excitement, turmoil, photography, description-writing, emails, and more, we are proud to present: a website for the Liberty Street Robot Supply & Repair. At long last, robot owners and enthusiasts alike can order all of the parts and improvements their robots need online.

Do not tarry! Travel to www.onwardrobots.com immediately and check it out!

SPOILER ALERT! We’re too excited not to mention that: very soon, the general public will be able to order our limited-edition set of screen-printed robot travel posters from the internet. These beautiful posters, designed by Ben English, will make the perfect holiday gift for anyone on your list.

Many thanks to Mollie Edgar and Claire Gaynor, the website designers! We could not thank you enough for all the hours of your lives you whittled away coding, cropping, importing, uploading, and a bunch of other words I have only a slight understanding of. What are you still doing here? Go to www.onwardrobots.com right away!

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