November 1, 2018 | 826 Blog Post

Sandy Karolak is a retired teacher that spends much of her time working with various schools around the city and their students, Sandy is one of the most caring people we’ve ever met. Last year, when it came to her attention that students who needed glasses in Ms. Lowe’s class couldn’t get them because a partner program was canceled, she went out to find glasses herself. In her free-time she types up 826michigan in-school student writing so that it can be posted in the hallway for their schoolmates to see.

As a part of two Young Authors Book Projects, Sandy wrote the introduction for Rare Air/Aire Roro where she penned,

“The children seemed happy; the teacher smiled; the space was stimulating. In a crowded, traditional classroom decorated with art posters, piles of books and a jaunty sombrero perched on a shelf, Ms. Lowe had created a world of comfort and learning and wonderment.”

Sandy’s assets to 826michigan have been exhaustive and phenomenal ; it is not an exaggeration that we would be at a loss without her attentive expertise and care. As a volunteer, she is very committed to showing up to our programs, such as our in-school at the Academy of the Americas where she was the first to respond to our call for volunteers. 826michigan is bursting at the seams with gratefulness at Sandy’s care and attention to our students as well as her willingness to continuously share her expertise in education and writing.


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