September Student Writing Gallery!

September 26, 2014 | 826 Blog Post

This year, we’ll be posting 8 new, exciting pieces of student writing on the 26th of the month (Get it?). Each month will be curated by our staff. Our aim is to give you an entertaining and fair sampling from our many programs. This month, we present, an exclusive and exciting preview of our upcoming publication: the 826michigan OMNIBUS, Vol. 6, an annual anthology of work from all our programs.

* Field Trips *

Sheril Simpson’s Third-grade Class at Adams STEM Academy, Ypsilanti
Life-sized Poetry Board Game
Team Speedy Poetry WolfCats
“The Hot Dog Poem”

You are so yummy.
You taste so good.
I like you
with ketchup and mustard
relish and onions
in the summertime
at the beach.
My friend doesn’t like you
but I think she is wrong
as wrong as
stealing from the bank
and running away.
Oh hot dog, I love you
with juice and Hot Cheetos.

Nicole Courtney’s First-grade Class at Perry Early Learning Center, Ypsilanti
PJ Day
“The Adventures of Lobster-Girl and Crab-Boy”

Lobster-Girl and Crab-Boy were best friends. They were superheroes with super-pinching powers. They rode their underwater motorcycles all through the ocean, pinching bad sea creatures.

The worst bad sea creature in the whole ocean was a shark named Stankbug. He was green and had a blue stripe. He stank and he ate underwater bugs!

Stankbug owned an underwater haunted hotel. Lobster-Girl and Crab-Boy were tired and stayed at Stankbug’s Hotel for the night. “Hello,” Stankbug said creepily. “Let’s be friends,” he lied. While they were sleeping, he stole their motorcycles.

When Lobster-Girl and Crab-Boy woke up, they discovered their motorcycles were missing. They followed the green slime trail Stankbug left behind. In a sunken pirate ship hideout, they found Stankbug and their motorcycles.

Stankbug tried to trap them, but Lobster-Girl and Crab-Boy simply pinched through the traps! Then, Lobster-Girl and Crab-Boy used their shock-pinch power to stun Stankbug! After they stopped Stankbug, they called the clownfishcops.

The clownfishcops said, “We are going to take you to the middle of nowhere! That is where jail is!” And then Lobster-Girl and Crab-Boy gave each other a high-claw! That is when they shock-pinch each other’s claws and set off underwater fireworks.

And then they rode off on their motorcycles into the underwater sunset.

* Tutoring *

Gracie Klein
Age 13, Honey Creek, Ann Arbor
“How the Leaves Learned to Run”

One day, Leaf was talking to the wind. Leaf told Wind that he wanted to learn to run.

“You can’t run, Leaf!”

“Can we try?” asked Leaf.

“I guess we can try.”

The next day, Wind met Leaf by his tree, and they started training. They went out every day, until one day Leaf finally got the hang of it. The only way Leaf would run is if Wind was right by his side, yelling at him. Usually people don’t like to be yelled at, but Leaf loved it. He felt like he went faster. The louder Wind yelled at him, the faster he would run. So when you hear the wind howling and leaves flying, you will remember not to get in their way, because they are running.

Priscilla Du
Age 8, Thurston Elementary
“Cats in Two Acts”

Shooting Star Wish

I’ve never seen a shooting star, but during one day, I saw a big M and Go Blue in the sky. That day there was football. When I saw it, it was backward. It was facing the other way. I told my mom about it. Then I thought, How did people do or make it in the sky?

I asked my mom the question, and she answered, “I don’t know. I have no idea.” Then she started thinking about it too. We wondered and wondered. Then my mom said, “I think airplanes fly in a shape to make it.”

I declared, “Yeah.”

If I ever saw a shooting star and I could wish for something, I would wish for a cat. I want a white, fluffy cat. My mom and dad don’t want a cat in the house because fur would be all over and it would be messy and dirty. It would be so cool to get a cat! I would name it S’mores; it’s a girl.

This is how I imagine the shooting star: the shooting star looks like it’s blasting across the sky. It’s white and silver like a spoon. It sounds like fireworks. It smells like metal. It tastes like the moon. The moon tastes like cheddar cheese that’s NOT moldy. It’s vibrating. I feel surprised because I never saw one. I wish in my head and I don’t tell anyone.

* Workshops *

Ewan Lemens
Age 7, Eberwhite Elementary
“In Twenty Years . . . ”

I woke up on a Saturday morning at seven o’clock for my big game. It was the World Series. The series was tied. We were versing the St. Louis Cardinals. The game was excellent, but we lost the game. When I got home at two o’clock, I was just in time for dinner. Each of us asked how all of our days were. My wife said her day was heavenly. My son said his day was divine. I said my day was grand, all except I lost my ball game. The room went silent when we were in bed.

Leyla Williams and Andrew Yang
Age 9 and Age 11, Northside Elementary and St. Francis, Ann Arbor
“In Response to ‘This is Just to Say’ by William Carlos Williams”

One day, William went to the market early in the morning to buy food. There he saw someone in a black cloak stealing plums from the market’s icebox, and there was barely any ice left in the box. This gave him an idea.

He raced home to sit down and write a poem inspired by what he saw at the market; as he unlocked his kitchen door, what did he see but his grandma taking the plums from the icebox. William looked at his grandma with big eyes. “Why are you taking my plums?” he exclaimed. His grandma said, “But, but, but, but, I was looking for a cold drink and I came across the plums and I was hungry.” Her face was covered with plum juice and a purple mustache. William looked at his grandma and said, “That’s okay, you just gave me an idea for a poem.” His grandma said, “I’ll remember that the next time I steal your chocolate cake.”

* In-schools *

Christopher Gaston
Age 8, James & Grace Lee Boggs School, Detroit
“Limericks: BUG & DOZEN”


I have a mechanical bug
Who lives in a little red jug
He goes around,
Distracting with sound—
And for that, I will give him a hug.


I went to the store with my cousin
To buy twelve eggs, a dozen
We thought we heard flies, but
To our surprise,
All that was there was a buzzin’.

A.J. Denlar
Age 6, Perry Early Learning Center, Ypsilanti
“The Champs”

My robot’s name is One Fish Two Fish Red Fish Blue. My robot lives in the car. He likes to eat zucchini. He also has a pet alligator.

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