Family Wright Night at Erickson Elementary!
We are incredibly proud of Family Write Nights, a new program that we have developed this year to offer to our partnership schools. Our goal is to make writing fun and accessible to our students and their families, and encourage them to write together at home.
Family Write Nights include a meal or some refreshments provided by the school, followed by an 826-led evening of writing stations that are fun for the whole family, and an opportunity to share work with the group at the end. Stations range from creating superhero trading cards based on your family members to writing odes to everyday objects (like toothbrushes and chairs) to making construction-paper constellations and developing myths around them. All families leave with their writing and a folder of strategies for extending literacy at home and directions for simple, creative writing activities.
Click the link above to listen to a few fantastic tales from Erickson Elementary’s April 2015 Family Write Night now!