Strategic Staffing Solutions

December 3, 2018 | 826 Blog Post

Happy December! We’ve made it to the end of another 2018! It is with gratefulness and joy that we appreciate Strategic Staffing Solutions in this end-of-year month for their contributions to support 826michigan’s programs in Detroit.

This school year, Strategic Staffing Solutions awarded us grant funding for our Detroit Tutoring and Writing Program, which includes after-school tutoring, classroom field trips, and targeted in-school projects for students ages six to eighteen. In all, we expect nearly 900 students to benefit from this investment, and others like it, through interactive field trip sessions where entire classrooms engage in a writing journey together, hundreds of hours of homework support during our Detroit after-school tutoring sessions, and of course, in our Wee-Bots Program at the Detroit Public Library. It is wonderful to do work in a city where businesses, like Strategic Staffing Solutions, invest in the future of the young people who live, work, and play here.

Thank you, Strategic Staffing Solutions, for your support of 826michigan!

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