May 30, 2007 | 826 Blog Post

Excitement and Glee!

IT’S HERE IT’S HERE IT’S HERE! Click here for the new workshop schedule. We’re feeling pretty proud of it! We hope you like it too.

And Now, Some Tough Love:

  1. Each student can only sign up for two workshops per semester.
  2. If you can’t make it to every session of a workshop, please don’t sign up for it. Don’t even ask if you can. We have such high demand for these workshops that it’s not fair to other students to sign up for a workshop when you can’t attend all of it.

And Now, Back to Excitement and Glee!:

Registration is, as always, online only. Workshops are so stellar, so spectacular, so amazing that they fill up quickly. Please give us at least 48 hours to confirm your registration. If after 48 hours you haven’t heard from us, feel free to call or send an email. WHAT ARE YOU DOING STILL READING THIS? GO SIGN UP FOR SOME WORKSHOPS!!

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