The Catch-all Blog

March 14, 2008 | 826 Blog Post

Well, hello! Have you looked outside today? It’s GORGEOUS. We are excitedly anticipating our first crocus sighting, how about you? We have several things to bring to your attention, so let’s go!

First, we’d like to thank the Ann Arbor Community Foundation, once again, for supporting our free student programming. They’ve been loyal supporters of ours practically since we opened, so we are pleased to announce that they are continuing to show us love, this time in the way of $6000 to maintain our drop-in tutoring program. Thanks Ann Arbor Community Foundation!

Second, in case you haven’t yet heard, 826 National has partnered this year with GOOD Magazine as part of their Choose GOOD Campaign. When you subscribe to GOOD, an engaging, thoughtful magazine that highlights key people, ideas, and institutions that are driving change in the world, you can elect to have ONE HUNDRED PERCENT of your subscription payment go straight to 826. We’ve already raised $8,100 of our $60,000 goal—help us to achieve the rest!

And finally, mark your calendars: Thursday, May 15. The Ann Arbor Book Festival presents: Being the Village, Opportunities for Community Partnerships in Literacy Education: A Language & Literacy Symposium. This event, which takes place at the Ann Arbor PreSchool and Family Center from 4:30-8pm, features a presentation called “How to Put the Fun Back in Writing” led by our very own education director, Erin Bennett! Our good friend Chuck Hatt will be there as well. For more information, visit

Beware the Ides of March tomorrow, friends, but enjoy the lovely spring weather!

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