Have you been stifling the impulse to begin one of your ideas for a short story or a poem all school year? Well, you don’t have to hold back anymore because it is summer, and MIRACULOUSLY, we still have room for more high schoolers (more specifically 14-18 year olds) in our Little Idea Catch-And-Release Program. The 2-session workshop begins tonight, 6-8pm, and ends on June 26th. If you have the urge to bring some of your own ideas to life in writing…or even if you don’t have any ideas, come to this workshop! BUT register first.
If you can’t make it to this workshop, by some odd twist of fate and luck and the stars aligning in your favor, we still have room for high schoolers to register now for our Writing With Pictures for High Schoolers: Dignifying the Doodle workshop on August 20th, 6-7:30pm. If you are looking to express your ideas in pictorial form and learn to make COMICS, then look no further. We will provide Sharpie pens, paper and of course, comic extraordinaire, C. Jason.