This Past Week and the Upcoming One.

June 19, 2009 | 826 Blog Post

Hello! We’ve had what some might call “quite the week.” The annual 826 National Conference happened in Ann Arbor this year, which means that we got to host this year’s idea-sharing, fun-having festival. Thirty-six staffers from the six other 826s all gathered together in our little city. Many thanks to: Newcombe Clark for lending us his sweet loft for our first night; Zingerman’s Roadhouse, Eat Catering, and Grizzly Peak for donating delicious foods and drinks (everyone was impressed!); Afternoon Delight for donating lovely (and enormous) muffins; Jenny Traig for hosting a cupcake extravaganza; Jerusalem Garden for donating a tasty lunch; and Laurie Blakeney from the Ann Arbor School of Yoga for donating a fun and stress-reducing session of yoga for anyone who wanted it. Which looked a little something like this:


The Ann Arbor School of Yoga is quite lovely, don’t you think?

One of the 826 staffers asked if we were going to be closed today to recover from, essentially, talking non-stop sixteen hours a day for three days. To which we replied: HA! AS IF. Because, friends, we have a BIG weekend coming up! I’ll break it down for you:


Townies and students alike are familiar with the Bang!, Ann Arbor’s monthly dance party. For the last eight years, the fine people of the Bang! have brought us ridiculous and fun themed dance nights at the Blind Pig.

THIS month, they present: the ROBOBANG! which, yes, will be as awesome as it sounds. AND, (arguably) even better than people in robot costumes dancing to great music, all proceeds benefit 826. AND, (arguably) better than that, a seven-and-a-half foot tall robot is currently being constructed.


Please join us at the Blind Pig tomorrow night for the ROBOBANG!, an event not to be missed! Doors are at 9:30pm, $8 / under 21 $11. And while you are certainly encouraged to dress like a robot, you certainly don’t HAVE to. Many thanks to Team Bang, Jeremy Wheeler, and Mariah Cherem for putting this all on for us!


It’s here! It’s here! The Summer Workshop Schedule in all its splendor and glory. Featuring an animation camp for teens, a very alliterative puppy poetry puppet performance, a screenwriting workshop, and a chance for young writers to share their secrets.

The Summer Workshop Schedule will be posted for all to see on Sunday at noon. REGISTRATION, however, opens Monday night at 7pm and is, as ever, online only. Hope to see you there!

Phew! Have a great weekend. We hope to see you and everyone you know tomorrow night for the ROBOBANG.

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