Twelve Drummers Drumming Up Some Great Ideas!

December 6, 2011 | 826 Blog Post

Haven’t had a chance to stop into Liberty Street Robot Supply and Repair yet? Here’s an obligatory plug for our BRAND NEW ONLINE STORE NOW WITH INTERNATIONAL SHIPPING!

Next week is a GREAT time to swing by and pick up a few robotic goodies. We’re participating in the Main Street Area Association’s 12 Days of Giving celebration! From Monday, December 12, to Friday, December 23, Liberty Street Robot Supply and Repair (along with a whole host of other Main Street businesses) will be supporting one local nonprofit per day. The line-up here is ALL-STAR, friends: SafeHouse Center, Food Gatherers, Ozone House, Habitat for Humanity of Washtenaw County — AND MANY MORE! 12 Days of Giving is a great way of killing the two birds with one stone by supporting local businesses AND local nonprofits.

(Would these two birds be, perhaps, turtledoves? In honor of the 12 Days? Maybe? Maybe?)

There does happen to be one organization that is both a local business AND a local nonprofit: 826michigan/Liberty Street Robot Supply and Repair! (Heard of them?) What does this mean for you, 12 Days of Giving shopper? When you are out and about on Tuesday, December 13, make a point to stop into Main Street businesses (again, an all-star list: Vault of Midnight, Sole Sisters, Acme Mercantile, and the list goes on. AND ON.), because they will donating to US!

(Whoever came up with this 12 Days of Giving idea should be given a golden ring. Maybe even FIIIIIIIIVE GOLDEN RIIIIINGS. Thank you, Main Street Area Association!)

Next week also brings another exciting event: our much-anticipated screening of the new documentary American Teacher at the Michigan Theater! This documentary, produced by 826 National founders Dave Eggers and Ninive Calegari and narrated by Everybody’s Favorite Actor Matt Damon, follows the lives of four teachers as they advance through professional milestones and face mounting struggles. It promises to be both an enlightening film and an inspiring call to action.

American Teacher will be screened at the Michigan Theater on Wednesday, December 14, at 7pm. We’ll have a Q & A session with Jonathan Dearman, one of the teachers featured in the movie, and Dan Moulthrop, educational policy wizard. We’re also inviting some VERY special guests: our In-School Residency teachers, and 826michigan volunteers! We’ll be recognizing these dedicated and wonderful people, so come out and show your support.

Tickets are only six dollars! Find them (and more information) here!

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