Two Things. Or Maybe, err … Let’s Call It One-and-a-Half Things.

November 9, 2009 | 826 Blog Post

Hi! I’m dropping in today to remind you that THIS WEEKEND is our Euchre-for-Cheaters Tournament and Michimania Festival. I’m also going to cheat, sort of, you know, in the spirit of the event.

For those of you who don’t know, our Euchre-for-Cheaters event works like this: Team solicit donations for 826michigan. The more money they make, the more “cheats” they earn, so they can cheat their way to victory! Cheats include changing trump half-way through a round, reneging on purpose, and making your opponent play in mittens.

HERE’S where I cheat: My PARENTS are participating. Have you met my parents? They are wonderful people. I mean it. I don’t mean to brag, but I literally do not know anyone who has better parents than me. So if you’ve been thinking about donating to 826michigan, or if you’d like to sponsor a team in our tournament, allow me to recommend Bill and Linda Sumerton, aka the Loner Knights. You can get to their page (and see their hilarious picture AND where I get my sense of humor) here. Go on … DO IT!

And HERE’S the half: New window display going up Thursday night in the Liberty Street Robot Supply & Repair! We worked on it all weekend, and all I can say is this: YOU WILL BE WANTING TO STOP BY FRIDAY AND SEE IT BECAUSE IT’S GOING TO BE AMAZING.

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