Workshop Schedule, Part One; Hooray!

September 1, 2006 | 826 Blog Post

This is how it works: Tuesday, September 5, at 4pm, we will be posting part of the workshop schedule. By “part,” we mean the workshops for high school students. Fear not, we have plenty of workshops for elementary and middle school students. Those will be posted on September 15. Registration this semester will be handled online only.

Hooray: Congratulations and Thank You! Thank you to the EMA Foundation for generously awarding us $3500 for our Storytelling & Bookmaking field trips! This money will be put toward bussing students in from Ypsilanti. We are beside ourselves with joy and excitement! (Incidentally, in typing that, it came to my attention that the phrase “beside ourselves” is strange and wonderful. It sounded wrong at first, and so I had to check with Intern Sarah to make sure it was correct. We’re both a little bit in love with it now.)

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